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A Group with a Common Passion

Fit & Fabulous started out as a Plexus only group, but then I started doing low carb diet along with Plexus and wanted to open the group up to all varieties of fitness. From Plexus to Ketogenic Diet to just eating healthier.

I have had so much success with Plexus, it is on the pricey side, but you get what you pay for and I got results. I have cut back to just their Biocleanse that is amazing and their Block which is fantastic if you love carbs! I also do their probiotic when I remember. lol

I try to do low carb and I manage well, now to get my sugar addiction under wraps. Hard one.

I opened Fit to Fabulous to everyone, because EVERYONE is different. I have had friends do Plexus and it didn't work for them. Friends did Keto and it didn't work for them. I did ItWorks and it didn't work for me. Many will say "oh they/you just didn't do it right." Absolutely wrong. You can do things correctly all day long, but your body composition isn't like the girl beside you! 

Basics consist of how much do you weigh, how much do you workout, what is your meal plan. You can't lose weight with no exercise. Well you can, but if you want to maintain you have to get up and move. Feed your muscles.

I am studying to be a Nutrition Coach and I see so many people say limit your carbs to 20 carbs a day or none. WRONG. You need carbs to fuel your body and the daily recommended amount is 50 carbs and higher if your a go getter exerciser.

I also see so many people asking for advice on Facebook that should be addressed by their Dr. Please don't do this. Just because someone does Keto who's diabetic and the person giving advice is doing keto and diabetic, does NOT mean you're going through what they are. Your genetics and keto eating habits are not the same.

So moving on as I'm giving free advice out. lol If you want to join our little community and get support, no matter what you do come join us! We'd love to have you.

I hope to do small weekly challenges and maybe bigger monthly ones, once we get some movement in here. 

There will be ZMS items available for purchase and a portion will go to a Women's Addiction Clinic in Pa that a friend runs. That's still being worked out as are the products. Shoot me ideas or things you'd like to purchase or see here.

Have a blessed day and remember the first step to getting where you want to be starts with you!

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Hubert, NC

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